
On wood



Contemporary artist
Nudity is the last weapon we have left when everything has been taken from us
La nudité est la seule arme qu’il nous reste quand tout nous a été prisI paint human figure on a daily basis. My purpose is the human figure as a node between intelligence, emotion and the flesh.
Je pratique le modèle vivant au quotidien. Mon sujet est la figure humaine comme nœud de l’intelligence, de l’émotion et de la chair.As a professional artist, I paint the Figure to defend my words
En tant qu’artiste, je peins le corps pour défendre mes causes.
Painter from 1995, I went through the Royal Academy of Art of Liege (Belgium)
I’m also an « Arts & Métiers » Engineer (Paris), I teached multimedia and computer art at the University Paris VIII, Paris XIII and the academy of art of Chalon sur Saône (France) for ten years.
Since 2020, I’m settled and working as a painter full-time, at home in south Brittany, in France (Quiberon), by the sea. I have mainly exhibited in Paris, but also in NYC and Tokyo, and hope for more.
Exhibitions / Expositions
Check out my instagram account to see my latest works
Rendez-vous sur mon Instagram pour voir mes œuvres récentes
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